Anti Cellulite Cream is a localized cosmetic dermatological problem that causes a dimpled, scaly-like appearance on the surface of the skin and usually affects the hips, thighs, and abdomen. Cellulite is very common, especially among women. In cellulite, excess amounts of fat cells are stored under the upper layers of the skin, called the epidermis and dermis. Small bands of connective tissue run vertically between these fat cells and connect the upper layers of skin to the deeper tissues of the body.
The bands form small chambers or pockets where normal-sized fat cells have enough free space. However, when there is an expansion of the fat cells, the bands press against the fat tissue like a net, causing the formation of prominent cellulite.
Cellulite can be defined as a metabolic disorder that causes indented tissue that is defined as an orange peel appearance by affecting the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue of the thighs, hips, and abdomen. Orange peel texture is made up of a combination of fat cells that accumulate and expand under the skin and fibrous bands called septa that run perpendicular to the surface of the skin.
While enlarged fat cells create small bulges, a narrowed septum shrinks the fat tissue and causes dimples. Thus, a rough appearance appears. It is referred to by various names in the medical literature as sclerosing edema panniculitis, genetic lipodystrophy, or lipedema.
What causes cellulite?
The exact cause of cellulite is not known, but it is understood to be the result of an interaction between the connective tissue under the skin and the fat layer. Possible causes of cellulite include hormonal changes, genetic factors, weight gain or loss, an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, or smoking. There is also evidence that tight clothing and excessive sitting can cause cellulite.
But many healthy women can develop cellulite despite a healthy diet and exercise program. The distribution of body fat can also predispose you to cellulite. Since many different factors can cause cellulite, almost all women may experience cellulite problems in any part of the body at some point in their lives. Therefore, resorting to the use of anti-cellulite cream is one of the most important steps taken to keep the skin from this deep peeling
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